What Impact Does YouTube Have on Today’s Teenagers?

Four out of ten teenagers feel their favorite YouTuber knows them better than their peers. In addition, 70% of adolescent YouTube followers think they relate to YouTube producers more than Hollywood celebrities. How did YouTubers get so well-known? And what is it about them that appeals to today’s youth? Let’s have a look.

YouTube is a fantastic resource, according to Richard James Schueler. Whether you’re a YouTuber or just enjoy watching videos, it allows people to film their life or do what they love and shares it with the world. They may make a food video, a workout video, a daily vlog, or even hilarious challenges to keep people entertained when they are bored. Anyone may watch videos that make them laugh or show them how to do something, which can help them learn life skills.

People may make a lot of money on YouTube and even convert it into a career via advertising, which can help unemployed people find jobs they like; it’s a win-win situation. YouTube is one of the few entirely free video-sharing sites available to watch, according to Richard Schueler.

Businesses may use YouTube to establish thousands of individuals who support them before entering the real world. Being a YouTuber may offer teenagers the confidence they need to succeed in the job market, inspire millions to pursue their passions, and be listed on their CVs to impress employers. Having ‘YouTuber’ on your resume might demonstrate your presenting abilities, confidence, inventiveness, and dependability.

YouTube was founded in 2005 and is still going strong today. “When I was 14, I was suffering from a lack of confidence and was quite self-conscious,” a YouTube user explained. That is until I came upon someone on YouTube. I thought I wanted to be like her since she was so confident and fun. YouTube has altered my life for the better; I don’t think I would be the same without it.” That demonstrates how YouTube can transform people’s lives and assist them in becoming their best selves. Also, viewing videos can make you laugh when you’re upset and transform you into someone you never imagined. It provides chances that people would not otherwise have and gives people a chance.

On the other hand, while being a pleasant, welcoming medium for sharing content, YouTubers and YouTube can harm young people. One of these causes is the psychological impact on today’s youth. There have been numerous cases of young children as young as ten adopting undesirable, even aggressive, behaviors to the point that authorities must intervene. However, these incidents may get traced back to this allegedly hazardous platform, which minors may have access to without parental consent.

At least 13% of youngsters have experienced an event with their parents that caused them to disagree. Just look at how distracted people are nowadays. I find the excessive amount of time spent in front of displays due to attractive thumbnails or advertisements to be the worst. But don’t worry; YouTube has changed its platform to include a permanent solution and an in-built function.

To use this new function, go to settings, app monitoring, and look for an actual data graph that indicates the amount of time the user has spent on YouTube and the weekly/monthly/yearly average. That is a unique feature that can be unlocked by creating an account, as long as you provide YouTube permission to access this type of information and keep track of the account’s usage and terms.

YouTube has unquestionably transformed the world in the 14 years it has existed. YouTube has influenced us in ways, from boosting teen confidence to motivating millions of people. However, it has to get observed that the site has harmed the self-esteem of some teenagers. YouTube can be problematic for young people because of its addicting material and 24-hour access. What are your thoughts on YouTube? Isn’t it a fantastic invention? Is it, on the other hand, undermining our society?

Additionally, some YouTube videos raise awareness of social concerns (such as bullying, suicide, and LGBT issues), allow for increased social contact (which is especially vital for the elderly or mobility-impaired), and help to break down misconceptions about minorities and minority opinions.

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